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 Visual Arts in the chain of capitalism

 Ashlee Robbie

( New York base writer)


The world of visual arts is now increasingly moving away from the sanctuary and entering the capitalism chain. It is no longer what the artist did, but how much the artist's name is heard is emphasized, and in this case it is left to the delusional side. In this case, what is the situation where the buyers pay a million dollars for a piece of art in visual arts? Are they art collectors or pure people whose money will be taken from their pockets? Of course not, those who pay millions of dollars off the artificial are not investing in artificial, but they play games over art and artists, just as art is a stock market commodity. Nowadays, the 3PM companies are supposed to sell large volumes of catalogs, which they sell with great numbers, and they can ignore the ethics of the arts in order to stimulate the market. For example, an owner of an auction may be able to negotiate by giving a sale guarantee, or he can buy his own artwork again from the auction to raise the price of the artist's work. And in the next museum, a certain fidelity is brought about by the manipulation of that artist's work. However, if it is really expertised, it will be seen that many of the works we have seen in the auction catalogs are actually not circulating and are being painted. When you ask some big fiction sellers that some 20-year-old artists who have been laid out in the auction catalogs are getting quotes or plagiarism from other artists, they say, "What are they going to do in the future?" However, it is a fact that many artists who are inflated today in the future can not be permanent. In the visual arts, neither good nor bad is to be questioned. We are witnessing discrimination.

When we examine what Turkish-American American artist Yucel Donmez has done so far, we see that he has indeed surrendered works and found many firsts in world visual arts. Donmez, who made artistic studies in Chicago and Istanbul, is also trying to be on the London market through his artistic representative in London. Donmez, who exhibited 20 works in a show for 3 people last November in London, has drawn the attention of the director of a famous gallery in London and is preparing for his personal exhibition to be held in the autumn. Yucel Donmez's artwork is known for his unique technique and style. We can say that the technique and style that the artist has developed, which is not yet used by another artist in the world, is used as a basis for his work. Yucel Donmez, for example, has brought a new perspective to the art of digital collage by using quotations from his own canvas paintings on objects he created in his digital studies as well as in his work on digital collages. In the last sculpture work, the artist who made the painting first, and the person who made the picture was transformed into a statue, he made a first step with this attitude and at the same time brought a new agenda with the material used in the sculpture (Poly urtean). Yucel Donmez is known as the first artist to have painted on snow in the world with his Kar formal work, which he made his first experiment in 1969. Donmez has performed dozens of profit-making activities and has made two snow illustrations in Chicago's Gran Park, making it one of the artists who has done outdoor artwork in Chicago.






















Yücel Dönmez is doing art work at Istanbul's atelier and putting contemporary art works on Istanbul's new subway stations. It is because the Istanbul municipality is a world where it is important to publicly place Yucel Donmez eswer in public. Because Yucel Dönmez synthesizes Anatolian civilizations and places his works in a philosophy. Yucel Donmez's familiar surroundings, among the artists living today, are one of the most interesting artists of our century. Alan refers to the authenticity of art, lovers, artists, artists, artists, artists, artists, artists, artists, artists, artists, and Yücel Donmez. Donmez, an 11-year-old Urban Gateways employee in Chicago, has signed American art and American art and is working together on contemporary art to bring him together for unity. an art market in Turkey did not cause the formation refers agreement as a country artist of Turkish origin. Yucel Dönmez takes his work in today's metro stations more than 5 million years back, and is also included in the world's most important collections. In order to have the highest receipts of Turkey Donmez photos, views are establishing contact with us.

Finally, Donmez's eight pieces, each 25 square meters, were placed on a 100-meter saloon in the Altunizade subway station, bringing the artist's public space museum to the square. Turkey's world art platform, the selectors stating that they post with works Donmez Yucel, the advance of Donmez's works that video and photos of the retreat of people from around the world and art are touches that began to spread around the world. Today, visual arts can be a unique star in the world of art and visual arts, if the art of capitalism has brought about an art deal based on a chain of sponsors, or if Yucel Donmez sponsors an art dealership such as Charles Saatchi or Lary Gagosian. Already with art and today's stadium and the sponsorship of the art market can be a staple. With 50 years of art experience and interesting firsts, we are wondering to whom the world art market experts will discover who will find Yucel Donmez.

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